Thursday, August 14, 2008

Census: Whites in Minority by 2042

According to the latest U.S. Census data, in little more than a generation minorities will become the majority, thus enabling White Americans to ‘get on the receiving end’ of government cash, jobs and other benefits which they can’t get now because of their unfortunate racial status.
Good jobs without full qualification, contractor set-asides on government projects, easier access to college, and more personal attention from Democrat candidates are among the special favors that Whites can expect to receive starting in the year 2042, experts said.
However, being in the minority may also have its pitfalls. So, in preparation for the transition, White activists have already formed several organizations to promote fair treatment and to protect civil rights.
The National Association for the Advancement of Pale People (known as the N-Double-A P.P.) has already filed incorporation papers, as has a counterpart to the Rev. Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition, currently dubbed The Beige Coalition.
In Washington D.C., visionary lawmakers have begun to draft an agenda for the Congressional White Caucus which will represent the interests of their minority children and grandchildren, making sure, for example, that suburban public school districts get their fair share of federal education funding.
Meanwhile, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said it will be ready to defend the rights of White people, to stem the outbreak of police citations for D.W.W. (driving while white), and to fight for things like guaranteed access to government documents written in English.
However, an ACLU source acknowledged that “re-tooling for the new era of fighting discrimination against Whites may have to await the retirement of everyone currently on staff.”

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