Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To Blunt Pig Lipstick Impact, Obama Admits Plagiarism

In an attempt to get the mainstream media and the blogosphere to stop talking about Sarah Palin after Barack Obama’s now-famous “lipstick on a pig” gaffe, the Democrat presidential nominee attempted to direct attention to his remark just before the lipstick comment yesterday in which he used a line from a political cartoonist without attribution.
“This is my campaign not Sarah Palin’s,” said Sen. Obama at a hastily-arranged news conference. “You people should be talking about me. Why don’t you jump on me for me ripping me offTom Toles, the Washington Post cartoonist, whose line I repeated almost word-for-word as if I had written it myself. Now, that’s a story!”
Sen. Obama called his use of the cartoonist’s work “an act of plagiarism reminiscent of Joe Biden” and complained that “journalists just let it pass so they could talk about Palin, pigs and lipstick. It’s time to bring change to the news media, and return to the days when Barack Obama was always the big story.”

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